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PDF version: Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities

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Document Publication Date: June 2005, Revised: August 2024

What is transition planning?

Transition planning is a coordinated set of activities focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of a student with disabilities to promote the student’s movement from school to post-school activities. Post-school activities can include college, vocational training, employment, continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living or community participation. Good transition planning is outcome oriented and focuses on results that help the student reach his or her post-school goals. For students with disabilities, transition planning occurs during an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting.

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At what age does transition planning occur?

Under IDEA, the IEP team must begin transition planning requirements no later than the annual IEP during which the student will turn 16 and must be updated annually thereafter. However, in Ohio, the team must begin transition planning no later than the annual IEP during which the student turns 14. If appropriate, transition planning can begin prior to a student’s 14th birthday.

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Who is responsible for transition planning?

The student’s school district of residence is responsible for transition planning and the provision of transition services. (School district of residence means the school district in which the child’s parents reside, a community school if the child is enrolled in a community school, the last school district in which the child’s parents are known to have resided if the parents’ whereabouts are unknown, or a school district of residence as determined by a court.)

Other agencies that may provide transition services to the student should be invited to participate in this transition planning process. Outside agency representatives that could be invited to the IEP meeting may include: rehabilitation counselor, county social worker, employment agency staff (day training and habilitation), independent living center staff, county board of developmental disabilities staff, disability support staff from a postsecondary educational or technical school, person knowledgeable about assistive technology, person knowledgeable about financial benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid or Medical Assistance (MA), personal care or health care providers, including mental health care providers, probation officer or teacher from a juvenile justice center, community park and recreation staff, and transportation agency staff.

These outside agencies or service providers generally have their own criteria for eligibility and may have a waiting list for services. However, if the service provider cannot provide needed services, the district must make other arrangements and ensure that the services are provided at no cost to the parent. There will be an application process that may require follow-up. Transition planning should address how applications for services will be completed and who will follow-up. Identifying one person as the single point of contact and as service coordinator for the team helps to facilitate good transition services.

The school district must notify the parent and student that a meeting is taking place and that a purpose of the meeting is transition planning. If any outside agencies will be responsible for paying for or implementing transition services, they must be invited as well and the notice to the parent and student must identify those agencies.

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How does transition planning work?

Transition planning is done by the student’s IEP team on an ongoing basis beginning at age 14. The goals and services can change as required by the student’s individual needs. The school district and/or outside agencies utilize age-appropriate transition assessments to gather data and, working with the parent and student, create measurable postsecondary goals for the student related to training, education, independent living skills, and competitive integrated employment. In addition to transition goals, the IEP will clearly identify the transition services required for the student to make progress toward the goals, including who will provide the services and how often. The school district should provide progress reports on transition goals in the same way it provides progress reports for IEP goals, at least as often as it provides report cards to all students.

Students with disabilities are entitled to attend school until they graduate with a regular high school diploma or turn 22. When a student with disabilities turns 18, the rights as a student with disabilities transfer to the student. This includes the right to transition planning and services. Beginning at least one year before the student turns 18, the school must inform the student that the rights will transfer to the student at age 18.

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What transition services are available?

Transition services are based on the individual student’s needs, interests, and preferences, and can include direct instruction, related services, experience in the community, functional vocational evaluations, job training or internships, hands-on skill development, and assistance with learning daily living skills. (A related service is any supportive service that is required to assist a student to benefit from their education. In transition, related services may be necessary to assist the student in the transition process. These services can include, but are not limited to, necessary transportation, attendant services, rehabilitation counseling, social work services and therapeutic recreation services).

For students who have not developed transition goals, the team can consider vocational exploration services to determine if the student will work or pursue some other post-school opportunity. The team should also discuss whether the student needs training in advocacy skills to address disability issues with employers, college staff and others.

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Who provides transition services?

Transition services must be provided by individuals with the knowledge, training and experience necessary to meet the transition needs of the student. Providers may include job training coordinators, vocational special education coordinators, career assessment specialists, work-study coordinators and related service personnel.

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Where are transition services provided?

Because transition is based on the student’s individual needs, taking into account
the student’s preferences and interests, transition services can be provided in a wide variety of places. For example, a student whose goal is to be employed after high school may have vocational training as part of the high school day. The student may be at school in the mornings to complete course work and at a job site in the afternoon. A student whose transition goal is community participation can likewise participate in community activities or volunteer work as part of the school day.

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Should a student participate in transition planning?

The school is required to invite the student if a purpose of the meeting will be consideration of postsecondary goals for the student and transition services needed to assist the student in meeting those goals. If the student does not attend the IEP meeting, the school must ensure that the student’s preferences and interests are considered in the transition planning. This can be accomplished by having the student write down his or her goals and interests and share the information with the IEP team, or the student’s parent(s) can provide the information to the team.

Transition planning is more effective when the student is involved in the process. A student who is involved in the planning is more likely to take responsibility for carrying out the transition plan. Involvement in planning gives the student a sense of control over the outcome of the plan. When students are involved, they have opportunities to learn about their strengths and skills, as well as their disability and its impact on learning, work, and independence. Students can also learn about the accommodations they will need at a job, in further education, or in the community.

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What can be done if a student is not receiving transition services?

If an outside agency fails to provide transition services described in the IEP, the school must reconvene the IEP team to identify alternative strategies to meet the transition goals for the student set out in the IEP. Alternative strategies can include having another agency or knowledgeable school personnel provide the service.

If the school fails to provide transition planning or services to an eligible student, the school has violated the law. Students and parents should request an IEP meeting to ask that the transition planning and services be provided. Contact the school special education director to request the IEP meeting. If the school does not provide an IEP meeting a complaint can be made or an impartial due process hearing can be requested. Both the complaint and request for hearing must be in writing. If there are disagreements about transition planning and services that cannot be resolved through the IEP process, parents and students can request an impartial due process hearing or file a complaint. For information about filing a complaint and impartial due process requests, you can contact:

  • Ohio Department of Education, Office of Exceptional Children at 1-877-644-6338
  • Your special education director for a copy of your rights
  • Disability Rights Ohio Intake Department: 614-4667264 or TTY 614-728-2553

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