#AdvocacyMatters: A More Complete Picture
May 12, 2023 / #AdvocacyMatters
For our vision to ultimately become a reality, our work must remain rooted in the real, lived experiences of people with disabilities across Ohio. Only by understanding the barriers faced by our communities can we begin to address their needs. Every year, we survey Ohioans with disabilities, their families, service providers, and advocates to learn about their experiences and gain a better understanding of the challenges they are facing.
Next month, we will launch our latest version of this survey. The results will be used to inform and refine our goals and objectives for the next year. These goals and objectives form a guiding outline of our work, shaping the issues we hope to address. You can read our current Goals and Objectives at www.disabilityrightsohio.org/goals.
This year we are committed to reaching and making meaningful contact with a diverse representation of all Ohioans with disabilities, and this is where we need your help. We are looking for allied organizations to help amplify this survey and extend our connection into communities we might not otherwise reach. We are also hoping to increase the number of languages our survey is available in, creating a more complete picture of the communities we serve.
None of this is possible without you – our allies and supporters. If you or your organization are able to help amplify these efforts or connect us with those who can, please contact us at communications@disabilityrightsohio.org. Your collaboration can – and will – make a difference in our community and in our work. #AdvocacyMatters