#AdvocacyMatters: Shape Our Future
August 6, 2021 / #AdvocacyMatters
Each summer, Disability Rights Ohio embarks to develop our goals and objectives for the upcoming fiscal year. This goal-setting process connects us to Ohioans with disabilities, allowing our team to understand the scope and impact of the latest issues facing our communities. Let’s be clear: The most important piece of this process—and our work as a whole—is you.
We’re looking for community members—such as Ohioans with disabilities, family members, providers, advocates, and other supporters—to share their stories and insight on the most important issues we should tackle next year. To do this, we've crafted the 2022 Goals and Objectives Survey. This survey covers a broad range of topics, including home and community-based services (HCBS), education, voting rights, and just about everything in between. This survey is more important than your average questionnaire—your responses will directly influence our organizational goals for 2022.
At DRO, we truly value each and every voice in our communities, which is why we’re aiming to make our goal-setting process as accessible as possible. We’ve set up two survey pages on our website—one in English and one in Spanish. Each page connects you to an online survey in its respective language. We’ve also created screen-reader accessible, interactive PDFs surveys in English and Spanish. Prefer a hard copy? Our team will mail a survey and return instructions directly to your home. To request either the PDF or printed copy, you can contact our Intake team by phone or online.
We know that access needs are vast and ever-changing, so we’ve set our expectations to match. As always, DRO is committed to ensuring that every Ohioan has the tools they need to participate. Whether you need to complete the survey verbally, have it translated to another language, or something else entirely, you can request those accommodations through our Intake Team.
Year after year, you have made our work possible. We will continue our individual and systemic advocacy, pushing toward a brighter and more beautiful world—one where Ohioans with disabilities can live, work, and go wherever they choose. We hope you’ll join us: Your #AdvocacyMatters.
Disability Rights Ohio is a non-profit organization with the mission to advocate for the human, civil, and legal rights of Ohioans with disabilities. Because our resources are limited, we cannot provide legal and other advocacy assistance to every single caller. So, each year, we set goals and objectives that guide how we use our resources. You can fill out the survey at www.disabilityrightsohio.org/survey
Contact Us
- Translation services are available for non-English speakers.
- M-F, 9 AM – 12 PM and 1PM – 4PM
- Phone: 614-466-7264 or 1-800-282-9181 (Toll-free, Ohio only)
- Online Intake Form
Disability Rights Ohio es una organización sin fines de lucro con la misión de abogar por los derechos humanos, civiles y legales de los habitantes de Ohio con discapacidades. Debido a que nuestros recursos son limitados, no podemos proporcionar asistencia legal ni de otro tipo a todas las personas que llaman. Por lo tanto, cada año establecemos metas y objetivos que guían la forma en que usamos nuestros recursos. Puede completar la encuesta en https://www.disabilityrightsohio.org/encuesta
- Se encuentran disponibles servicios de traducción para personas que no hablan inglés.
- M-F, 09:00 – 12:00 y 13:00 – 16:00
- Teléfono: 614-466-7264 o 1-800-282-9181 (número gratuito solo en Ohio)
- Formulario de admisión en línea