#AdvocacyMatters: Your Right, Your Vote

June 30, 2023

A truly equitable society for people with disabilities won’t be possible until they have equal access and opportunities to participate in civil engagement. Barriers – both figurative and literal – continue to keep their voices, opinions, and experiences away from the voting booths and halls where decisions are made… decisions that directly impact their lives. Only by improving access and increasing awareness can positive changes begin.

Next week we are hosting a #PlanYourVote online event, and we’d love for you to join us. This important, informational session will cover all the topics necessary for you to plan your successful participation in the upcoming August election and beyond. With recent changes to Ohio’s voting laws – like the type of ID required to vote and the dates where early voting is available – it’s never been more important to #PlanYourVote.

The August 8th special election includes a proposed change to the way Ohio’s constitution is amended. This change would require a 60% majority of Ohio voters to approve a new amendment instead of the current 50%. With such an impactful change on the ballot, this webinar will help make sure you’re prepared ahead of the July 10th registration deadline.

“Nothing about us, without us” isn’t just a catchy slogan – it’s the core of our work in elevating and empowering people with disabilities to not just be considered when and where decisions are being made, but to be the ones making them. Working to make voting more accessible is a vital piece of that puzzle.

This #PlanYourVote online event will take place on Thursday, July 6th, at 5:30 p.m. You can learn more and register at https://bit.ly/3NnytGj


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