After five years in a nursing home, a client wanted to move out. Her guardian was hesitant. We helped her find her place. #AdvocacyMatters

March 31, 2017 / #AdvocacyMatters

Door open with welcome mat

"Nancy" (not her real name) had lived in a nursing home for five years. She worked in the community and did not need the level of services that the nursing home provided. Like many who live in institutions, Nancy was isolated and segregated for no reason. She felt ready to live in the community, and the nursing home supported her in that decision. But her guardian did not support the goal and blocked her plans to move out. Nancy contacted DRO for help.

DRO told the guardian about HOME Choice and Recovery Requires a Community - two statewide programs that help nursing home residents return to life in the community with the services and supports they need to succeed. Because of DRO's intervention, the guardian agreed to support Nancy in applying for HOME Choice.

DRO worked closely with the HOME Choice team and staff at the nursing home. Our advocate monitored activity and negotiated with the guardian and others to ensure that the plan moved forward. After 11 months, Nancy moved into her own apartment. DRO helped her to get vocational services to help her find a new job close to her new home. Now, instead of being isolated at the institution, she enjoys spending time with her friends at a local day center.

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