Complete a brief questionnaire to share your voting experience with the National Council on Disability
November 6, 2012 / voting
The 2012 General Election is today, and the National Council on Disability (NCD) wants to hear from you!
In collaboration with the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) and EIN SOF Communications, Inc., NCD is collecting information about voters’ experiences through a brief, open-ended questionnaire, to be completed following your vote.
NCD and its partners will collect information about your experiences, including any physical, attitudinal, or other barriers you may have faced when attempting to exercise your constitutional right to vote. NCD will issue a report based on the findings of the questionnaire in early 2013.
A Government Accounting Office (GAO) report found in 2008 that just over a quarter of polling places, only 27 percent to be exact, are fully accessible. The Federal Election Commission reports that, in violation of state and federal laws, more than 20,000 polling places across the nation are inaccessible, depriving people with disabilities of their fundamental right to vote. NCD and its partners want to learn how people with disabilities fared in this election, four years after the GAO report.
You can either submit your answers electronically through an online version of the questionnaire, or you can print a hard copy and mail the completed questionnaire to NDRN.
To fill out the questionaire online or to download the hard copy, visit the NCD website.