Disability Rights Ohio’s PAIMI Advisory Council
January 8, 2025
Disability Rights Ohio (DR0) is the federally funded Protection & Advocacy System for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI). A 15 member PAIMI Advisory Council (PAC), governed by a set of Operating Standards, advises DRO on priorities and issues important to people receiving mental health services in our state. The PAC elevates and amplifies the voices of individuals with lived experiences and provides input on DRO’s annual goals and objectives.
The PAC meets as a full group four times a year, and in smaller committees monthly in between the full council meetings. Additionally, the PAC receives updates on legislation at the state level regarding mental health issues. When necessary, PAC members may also personally choose to engage in advocacy. PAC members have opportunities to participate in trainings and conferences to further their own knowledge and skills development.
As a federally mandated volunteer-based advisory council at least 60% of the PAIMI Advisory Council members must be individuals or family members of individuals with lived mental health experience. The PAIMI Advisory Council Chair is almost always an individual with lived life experience. The PAIMI Advisory Council Chair may also be a family member. Additionally, the PAC Chair is an automatic member of DRO’s Board of Directors.
Specific to membership, the PAIMI Advisory Council is comprised of, and seeks members on an ongoing basis, from all areas of Ohio with a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Anyone who is a resident of Ohio can apply to be a member of the PAIMI Advisory Council. Each member currently serves a 4-year term, attends all 4 full PAC meetings, and serves on one PAC committee.
The PAC is an important part of Ohio’s Protection & Advocacy System because “it is predominantly the voice of people impacted by the mental health system”, remarked Kristina Kapp, PAC Nomiminating Committee Chair.
Some of the most important work our PAC contributes to is to help “align Ohio’s Protection and Advocacy System’s efforts with what is most important to those experiencing the mental health system including individual advocacy opportunities to address needed changes around the array of forced treatment approaches from medications being brought to individuals by community treatment providers ordered by mental health courts to involuntary hospitalization." -Trish Risser, PAC Chair
As part of federal guidelines, the PAC is required to have at least one representative from the following:
- People who have received mental health services
- A parent of a minor child who has received mental health services
- Attorney
- Mental Health Professional
- Mental Health Service Provider
- Other professionals, friends, advocates, and members of the general public who have knowledge about and have demonstrated substantial commitment to improving mental health services
To apply to be a member of the PAIMI Advisory Council, please submit the application online, or download a paper copy of the application and mail or fax your application to Disability Rights Ohio.
- Complete an online application form; or
- Download a PDF version of the application form and fax or mail the form to:
Disability Rights Ohio
200 Civic Center Drive, Suite 300
Columbus, OH 43215
Fax: 614-644-1888
Questions? Call Disability Rights Ohio at 1-800-282-9181