D'Marcell felt out of place and desperate for help. Our advocacy brought systemic changes. #AdvocacyMatters

September 1, 2017 / #AdvocacyMatters

Women's hands holding each other on opposite sides of prison bars

D'Marcell is a woman who is transgender and living in a men's prison. This caused her to feel extreme anxiety and depression and to act out by injuring herself. The prison, however, denied her any hormone therapy, choosing instead to treat her only for anxiety and depression, which didn't solve the underlying problem. Desperate, she reached out to Disability Rights Ohio for help.

A DRO attorney educated D'Marcell about her fundamental rights to medical care and her rights as a transgender woman in prison. The attorney also contacted the prison and advocated that they follow accepted standards of care for the treatment of trans individuals. In response, the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections created a new statewide policy on transgender assessment and hormone treatments.

D'Marcell sent a letter to our attorney to express her deep gratitude:

I would like to thank you so very much for helping me. My heart is so glad and over elated with joy. I thought that I would never live to see this day. I was evaluated and assessed by both medical and mental health. They both agreed to grant me my hormone therapy. Again, I want to thank you for your assistance. I am eternally thankful for your advocacy for me.

Find our resources: Medical, Mental Health and Disability-Related Services for People in Ohio's County and Regional Jails and Guide to the Grievance Process at Ohio Prisons.


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