Help us set our priorities for 2020
July 26, 2019 / priorities
Disability Rights Ohio strives to provide support to as many people as possible. In order to maximize our impact with the resources available, we seek community input every year to focus our priorities on issues where we can have the most effective impact.
Please take our Fiscal Year 2020 Priorities Survey and give us your ideas about what work we should be doing. The survey will close on Monday, August 19. Filling it out should take about 10 minutes.
At the end, you will have the chance to enter into a drawing for one of four $25 Amazon gift cards. You are not required to enter the drawing. DRO staff and board members are not eligible for this prize.
To request a paper copy or get assistance filling out the survey, call DRO at 800-858-3542 and select option 2 for intake.