They needed an accessible parking space. We educated their landlord about the Fair Housing Act. #AdvocacyMatters
October 13, 2017 / #AdvocacyMatters
Miriam and her husband Dave have lived in her apartment for 20 years. Because Miriam uses a walker and Dave was recently diagnosed with cancer, they needed an accessible parking space near their townhouse door. However, their new landlords had taken down the accessible parking signs and the emblem painted on the spot was fading. When she asked them to repaint, the landlords refused, saying that they wanted to make the apartment complex more desirable for college students, who they felt would be put off by accessible parking signs. Frustrated and feeling unwelcome in her own home, Miriam called Disability Rights Ohio for help.
A DRO attorney sent a letter to the management of the apartment complex, explaining their responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act and Miriam and Dave's right to a reserved parking space as a reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. The landlord quickly notified Miriam that they would put up a sign and repaint the parking spot. With tears of relief, she called DRO to express her gratitude that they would be able to stay in the home they love.
Read more about housing rights in DRO's Resource Center.