PAIMI Application
Thank you for your interest in the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Advisory Council (PAC). Under Federal Law, Disability Rights Ohio (DRO) as Ohio’s Protection and Advocacy System, is required to have a PAC that advises DRO on priorities (annual goals & objectives) and issues important to people receiving mental health services in Ohio, and promotes recovery through increased access to client rights and advocacy services. Sixty percent of PAC members must receive, or have previously received mental health services or be a family member of a person who receives (or received) mental health Services. All PAC members are required to live in Ohio. PAC membership is an unpaid volunteer commitment.
Please complete this online form to apply to become a member of the Disability Rights Ohio PAIMI Advisory Council. Please do not include any personally identifying information in your answers, for example your Social Security number or date of birth.
In addition to this online form, please share the recommendation form with three persons that know about your involvement with mental health issues and that can speak about your participation on other boards or councils that you have been involved with during the last two years. The letters of recommendation can be filled out online or sent to the Ohio PAIMI Advisory Council, c/o Disability Rights Ohio, 200 Civic Center Drive, Suite 300, Columbus, Ohio 43215-4234 or fax them to 614-644-1888. Your application is not considered complete and ready for review by the PAC until your completed application and 3 recommendation letters have been received.
Due to the rotating term-limits of Council members, the PAC needs to ensure that all federal requirements for membership categories are maintained at all times.
Download a PDF of this form here.