Article I – Purpose
The goal of these Operating Standards is to set out the policies and procedures that the
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Advisory Council (PAIMI
Advisory Council) will follow.
Article II - Roles The role of the PAIMI Advisory Council is to advise the designated
protection and advocacy agency, Disability Rights Ohio (DRO), on policies and priorities
to be carried out in protecting and advocating for the rights of individuals with mental
illness. To do this, the PAIMI Advisory Council provides independent advice and
recommendations to DRO, works jointly with DRO’s board of directors (Board) in the
development of annual priorities and policies, and submits a section of DRO’s PAIMI
annual program performance report (PAIMI Advisory Council Report).
In compliance with the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Act
(PAIMI), DRO is governed by a board of directors (Board). The Board is the governing
authority for DRO. As the governing authority, the Board has ultimate responsibility for
the activities and grant compliance of DRO. This includes the grant requirements for the
PAIMI Advisory Council.
Article III – Membership
To meet the requirements of the PAIMI Act, at least sixty percent (60%) of the members
appointed to the PAIMI Advisory Council shall be individuals who have received or are
receiving mental health services or who are family members of such individuals. At least
one family member shall be a primary care giver for an individual who is currently a
minor child or youth (until their 25th birthday) who is receiving or has received mental
health services. The total number of PAIMI Advisory Council members should be no
more than 15 people. Continuing efforts shall be made to include members of diverse
racial, ethnic, and other minority groups, all geographic areas, as well as other
diversities to assure that the PAIMI Advisory Council is a true representation of Ohio’s
To be eligible for membership on the PAIMI Advisory Council an individual must reside
in the State of Ohio, cannot be a relative or significant other of a current PAIMI Advisory
Council member, and cannot be a DRO employee, or a relative or significant other of a
DRO employee. Former DRO employees may become members 5 years or more post- employment, but the appointment of any former DRO employee must be approved by
DRO’s Executive Director. Each member shall annually be provided a complete list of the
members of the PAIMI Advisory Council.
PAIMI regulations require that the PAIMI Advisory Council shall consist of the following:
• an attorney
• a mental health professional
• an individual from the public who is knowledgeable about mental illness, advocates for the needs of persons with mental illness, and has demonstrated a substantial commitment to improving mental health services
• a provider of mental health services
• individuals who have received or are receiving mental health services
• individuals who are family members of individuals who have received or are receiving mental health services
At least one family member shall be a primary caregiver for an individual who is
currently a minor child or youth (until their 25th birthday) who is receiving or has received mental health services.
Each person shall be appointed based on these membership categories. PAIMI Advisory Council members often fit more than one of the membership categories based on their lived and professional experience. However, for grant reporting purposes, the PAIMI Advisory Council may only count each member in one of the membership categories in their annual report. Based upon the membership categories checked on the member's application, DRO may change the category in which the member was appointed to bring the PAIMI Advisory Council into compliance with federal law or to meet the requirements of these Operating Standards.
Article IV - Ex-Officio Members
The PAIMI Advisory Council may establish ex-officio organizational memberships. Ex-officio members are non-voting members. The PAIMI Advisory Council can recommend ex-officio members to DRO’s Executive Director. At the invitation of DRO’s Executive Director, the organization will designate an individual to attend PAIMI Advisory Council meetings. The PAIMI Advisory Council may periodically request that DRO’s Executive Director ask the organization to designate a new representative.
Article V - Member Responsibilities and Duties
PAIMI Advisory Council members must be committed to the mission, vision, and values of DRO.
PAIMI Advisory Council members are expected to attend and participate actively in the PAIMI Advisory Council meetings and any ad hoc or standing committees of which, they are a member.
PAIMI Advisory Council members shall conduct themselves in an orderly manner during PAIMI Advisory Council and committee meetings.
PAIMI Advisory Council members shall abide by these operating standards in conducting meetings and other PAIMI Advisory Council responsibilities.
PAIMI Advisory Council members shall not present or represent themselves as an employee or agent of DRO.
PAIMI Advisory Council members shall not speak on behalf of the PAIMI Advisory Council on matters of council business unless authorized to do so by the PAIMI Advisory Council.
PAIMI Advisory Council members may do outreach on behalf of the PAIMI Advisory Council using materials approved by DRO’s Communications and Outreach Director.
PAIMI Advisory Council members are encouraged to be active in their communities and in advocacy activities. PAIMI Advisory Council members may speak on policy issues including testifying at the legislature in their own individual capacity but may not represent themselves as speaking on behalf of DRO or the PAIMI Advisory Council.
PAIMI Advisory Council members shall prepare for and attend four (4) or more meetings per year, unless unable to do so in the case of an emergency or extenuating circumstances.
Each year, PAIMI Advisory Council members must sign a Conflict-of-Interest form and
a statement confirming, they read and understand the Operating Standards within 14
days of receipt of the documents in order to attend meetings as voting members.
PAIMI Advisory Council members will respond in a timely manner to requests for information by the Executive Committee or DRO staff that is needed to complete PAIMI Advisory Council responsibilities.
Article VI - Operating Procedures
A. Terms
PAIMI Advisory Council members shall be appointed for a four (4) year term. No member shall be eligible for a consecutive term. Each term needs to be separated by a minimum of 2 years.
A member appointed to complete the term of a member whose membership is terminated or who resigns will be appointed to complete the former member's current term. In this case, the member is eligible to be appointed for their own four-year term after completing the unexpired term.
B. Officers
Election of a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary shall be held every 2 years at the Quarter 4 meeting with terms starting at the beginning of the federal fiscal year. After receiving the Nominating Committee’s recommendations for these officers, the PAIMI Advisory Council shall elect the Officers. In compliance with PAIMI regulations, only an individual who has received or is receiving mental health services or who is a family member of such an individual is eligible to be the Chair.
The Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary shall each serve a term of two years. In the event, that an Officer’s term on the PAIMI Advisory Council ends during their term as an Officer, the Officer’s term on the PAIMI Advisory Council will end when they complete their two-year term as an Officer. If an Officer resigns from the PAIMI Advisory Council in between meetings, an election shall be held at the next scheduled meeting. The term of a newly elected officer, following an officer’s resignation, will begin immediately upon election and last the duration of the predecessor’s term.
The Chair shall preside at meetings. The Vice Chair shall aid the Chair in the performance of their duties, shall perform all duties of the Chair in the Chair's absence, and shall take attendance and give an attendance report at each regular PAIMI Advisory Council meeting. The Chair may speak to any issue before the PAIMI Advisory Council but shall vote only to break a tie.
Pursuant to statute and the bylaws of the DRO Board, the PAIMI Advisory Council Chair shall be a voting member of the DRO Board.
C. Meetings
The PAIMI Advisory Council shall meet at least quarterly (four or more times a year). The scheduling of the meetings shall be done in a manner, which enhances the attendance of all PAIMI Advisory Council members. Meetings dates will be selected in collaboration with the PAC Facilitator. No meetings will be scheduled on DRO observed holidays or other office closures.
Materials, Minutes, and other Documentation:
DRO PAC Facilitator is to ensure the timely preparation and distribution of all materials for Quarterly PAIMI Advisory Council meetings, consistent with operating standards and procedures. The PAC Secretary in coordination with DRO PAC Facilitator shall also ensure that all official records of PAIMI Advisory Council activities (attendance, minutes, resolutions, etc.), including those of PAIMI Advisory Council committees are prepared and maintained.
In addition, the DRO PAC Facilitator shall manage the correspondence between the PAIMI Advisory Council and other external parties, including internal coordination with DRO staff.
If a member is unable to attend a meeting, the member shall notify the Vice-Chair a week ahead of the meeting except in an emergency. The Vice Chair will determine whether the member provided adequate notice. If the member provided adequate notice, the absence is excused. If not, the absence is unexcused. The Vice Chair will notify the Secretary and DRO PAC Facilitator of the absence prior to the meeting so it can be noted as such in the minutes. If a member provides information to excuse an absence after the absence has been recorded in the minutes as unexcused, the minutes of the next meeting will record the change in the absence from unexcused to excused.
The expectation is that PAIMI Advisory Council members attend meetings in the scheduled format (may be virtual or in-person). However, members may request reasonable accommodations that may include attending the meeting in an alternative format – i.e., attending an in-person meeting by phone or videoconference.
Attendance tracking shall be a joint responsibility of the Vice Chair and DRO PAC Facilitator for record keeping purposes.
D. Quorum
A quorum shall exist when a majority of members are in attendance, whether in person or through virtual attendance. A majority of the voting members present must support a motion for it to carry.
E. Committees
All PAIMI Advisory Council members selected on or after January 1, 2024, must participate in at least one committee. The PAIMI Advisory Council shall develop the following committees that will each select a Chair and report out during quarterly meetings. The PAIMI Advisory Council Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member of each committee.
PAIMI Advisory Council members are eligible to join new committees at the beginning of their term (during their first three months of their term), or at the beginning of the fiscal year (Oct-Dec.). Members can, at any time, request to sit in on a meeting as a non-voting observer, or to join a committee by emailing the committee chair and the DRO PAC Facilitator.
The Committee chair is responsible for determining and communicating the agenda of committee meetings to the DRO PAC Facilitator and committee at least 7 days in advance of the meeting date. The DRO PAC Facilitator coordinates efforts between DRO staff and the PAIMI Advisory Council and functions as a secretary during committee meetings.
Cancellation or re-scheduling of committee meetings shall be communicated to the applicable committee members by the committee chair or DRO PAC Facilitator via email.
Committee meeting times may be used for things including collaborative work on documents or procedures to be implemented and maintained by the respective committee, applicant interviews, resource sharing or review, training opportunities, or other needs in line with the committee’s functions within the PAIMI Advisory Council.
1. Ad Hoc Committees
The PAIMI Advisory Council may establish ad hoc committees as necessary from time to time to assist in conducting PAIMI Advisory Council business.
2. Nominating Committee
a. The PAIMI Advisory Council shall maintain a standing Nominating committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a majority of individuals who have received or are receiving mental health services or who are family members of such individuals.
b. The Nominating Committee shall develop and maintain application and selection standards including how to decide who to interview, interview format, and selection criteria including a version of scoring responses to interview questions, using DRO Board application, interview, and review or approval processes, for guidance. The standards will be reviewed and adopted by the Executive Committee. The Nominating Chair will forward the adopted standards to DRO’s Board Chair and Executive Director, and will also send them to the DRO PAC Facilitator for documentation purposes.
c. The Nominating Committee shall affirmatively seek members who are
members of diverse communities and backgrounds and shall report on these efforts to the PAIMI Advisory Council. The recruitment and appointment efforts shall be representative of the demographics of Ohioans when possible.
d. The Nominating Committee shall recommend to the Executive Committee of the PAIMI Advisory Council nominations to fill any vacancy on the Council.
e. Applicants not recommended for appointment may reapply independently after one year has passed since their application was considered. The PAC Nominating Committee can reach out at any time before that and ask the candidate to reapply.
f. The Nominating Committee shall bi-annually make recommendations to the full PAIMI Advisory Council for Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.
3. Executive Committee
Executive Committee Chair will work with DRO staff to develop meeting agendas including ensuring the PAIMI Advisory Council is getting information about the work being done on PAIMI goals and objectives. Any requests for information that may require collaboration across DRO departments should be requested 10 business days in advance of the meeting time and be submitted with the agenda. This is necessary for DRO PAC Facilitator to obtain information or materials as needed.
a. The Executive Committee shall conduct PAIMI Advisory Council business as necessary between full PAIMI Advisory Council meetings and shall report on any actions taken at the next Council meeting.
b. The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Nominating Committee Chair, Diversity
Committee Chair, and Policy Leadership Committee Chair shall constitute the Executive Committee.
c. The Executive Committee shall approve PAIMI Advisory Council member(s) for attendance at conferences, seminars; workshops etc. in line with the selection criteria and process in Article VIII.
d. The Executive Committee shall also do a review of the Operating Standards every two years, and suggest any changes as needed.
e. On recommendation from the Nominating Committee, The Executive Committee will consider and vote upon appointments of prospective PAIMI Advisory Council members. The Nominating Committee Chair will advise the DRO Executive Director of the decision. The PAIMI Advisory Council’s Secretary shall send an appointment or denial letter a of membership using a DRO approved template to the applicant. DRO PAC Facilitator shall be included in these communications for documentation purposes.
f. The Executive Committee will review and make determinations on implementing new processes, documents, or training proposed for the entire PAIMI Advisory Council as proposed by other committees.
g. Executive Committee votes may take place via electronic measures (video calls, phone calls, emails) or in-person.
4. Policy Leadership Committee
The PAIMI Advisory Council shall maintain a standing Policy Leadership Committee to provide information, advice, and recommendations to DRO on policy, legislative matters, and other issues that may require DRO’s attention, testimony, education, or action. The committee chair will report to the PAIMI Advisory Council about the information, advice, and recommendations provided to DRO.
5. Diversity Committee
The PAIMI Diversity Committee sets forth to ensure that PAIMI Advisory
Council members are diverse and represent the state of Ohio regarding race, ethnicity, religion or creed, national origin or ancestry, gender identity,
sexual orientation, age, disability, and veteran status. Secondly, the Diversity
Committee should be culturally humble in encouraging personal reflection and growth around culture to increase overall knowledge and advocate for services provided by DRO that are culturally competent.
The Diversity Committee will disseminate information to the PAIMI Advisory Council members to challenge members to learn about diversity and better learn with and from individuals living with disabilities. This may include resource sharing of information or learning materials from the Diversity Committee Chair to the PAIMI Advisory Council for review, identifying potential diversity related training opportunities for members, and working toward diversity, accessibility, and inclusion within the PAIMI Advisory Council and their recommendations to DRO.
F. Conflict Resolution
When two (2) or more members have a conflict to such a degree that any PAIMI Advisory Council meeting or workgroup is disrupted, the Chair of the meeting will attempt to deescalate the conflict between the parties in the moment.
If the conflict continues, the Chair of the meeting will request both members leave the current meeting, and a mediation process will be implemented as soon as possible. Neither member can participate in PAIMI Advisory Council activities until the conflict is resolved and the Chair grants approval to return. If the conflict directly involves the PAIMI Advisory Council Chair, then the responsibility shifts to the PAIMI Advisory Council Vice-Chair.
If the Chair is unable to deescalate or resolve the situation through mediation, the Chair will seek assistance from a member of DRO staff to help resolve the conflict. The primary DRO Staff for this process is the PAC Facilitator. If DRO PAC Facilitator is unavailable or otherwise unable to assist with this process, the Chair will work with the PAIMI Grant Manager on a resolution. If needed, the Chair or the PAIMI Grant Manager may seek assistance from the DRO Executive Director.
If the member (or members) refuse(s) to participate in mediation, the Executive Committee will determine if the member should be removed. This removal can be appealed to the DRO Executive Director within 7 days following the appeal process for removal by cause.
G. Resignation and Removal from PAIMI Advisory Council
1. Resignation: A PAIMI Advisory Council member may resign at any time by giving a written or verbal notice to the Chair and the DRO PAC Facilitator. Unless otherwise specified in the notice, the resignation shall take effect upon receipt of the notice and acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. Upon receipt of the notice, the member is immediately released from future duties and PAIMI Advisory Council meetings.
2. Removal for not attending meetings: An PAIMI Advisory Council member who fails to attend two (2) meetings in a 12-month period shall be notified by the Vice-Chair in writing that failure to attend the next meeting shall result in a recommendation of termination of the membership. If a member fails to attend three (3) meetings in a 12-month period, excused or otherwise, the PAIMI Advisory Council Vice Chair shall recommend, upon notice to the member, termination of the membership and the PAIMI Advisory Council Executive Committee shall vote on the removal. The absences considered will be within a twelve (12) month period, beginning with the first missed meeting.
3. Removal for cause: An PAIMI Advisory Council member may be involuntarily removed for cause. "Cause" shall mean a violation of the duties of a member defined in Article V. The member in violation shall be given a verbal or written notice of violation by the PAIMI Advisory Council Chair. A verbal notice shall be confirmed in writing by the Chair, including the DRO PAC Facilitator for documentation. The notice shall provide information to the member of the member's rights under this Section and shall specify which duty was violated. If a member is given two notices in a twelve-month time frame, the violations shall be referred to the PAIMI Advisory Council’s Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall vote on the removal.
4. Immediate Removal: If a member’s actions are determined to have violated legal or ethical standards, or a member engages in patterns of harmful behavior (intentional or unintentional) that repeatedly make any member feel unsafe, disrespected, or threatens the integrity of the PAIMI Advisory Council or DRO, DRO’s Executive Director retains the right to remove a member from the PAIMI Advisory Council. An immediate removal by DRO’s Executive Director may be appealed to DRO’s Board Chair within 7 days. The decision by DRO’s Board Chair of their removal will be final.
Prohibited conduct that falls within these zero-tolerance behaviors includes
words or actions that are perceived as racist or otherwise discriminatory, aggressive, or threatening whether unintentional or intentional.
Inappropriate language including cussing, name-calling, and disrespectful comments will not be tolerated in any setting. Examples include, but are not limited to, bullying, recurrent cursing/yelling, demeaning comments directed at anyone, and/or commenting on the personal characteristics of another person regarding their actual or perceived race, language, appearance, gender/gender-identity, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or other personal characteristics.
These conduct standards apply to full PAIMI Advisory Council meetings, committee meetings, and other communications or conversations around PAIMI Advisory Council business that occur between any members and/or DRO employees.
5. Appeal of removal: Members being removed for cause or attendance by vote of the Executive Committee, will be notified in writing of their removal and the reason for the removal. The notice will include how the member can appeal the removal to DRO’s Executive Director within 7 days. The decision by DRO’s Executive Director of their appeal will be final.
6. Ex Officio Members: If an ex-officio member fails to attend two (2) meetings, the Vice Chair will notify the DRO Executive Director who will reach out to the organization to resolve the attendance concern. If the ex-officio member fails to attend three (3) meetings, then the Nominating Committee may request that DRO’s Executive Director ask the organization to designate a new representative or recommend that the Executive Director terminate the ex-officio membership.
Article VII - Payment/Reimbursement/Per Diem
A. No PAIMI Advisory Council member shall receive compensation (wages) for PAIMI Advisory Council attendance and/or activities. Nothing in these operating standards shall prohibit an PAIMI Advisory Council member from contracting with DRO to participate in activities on behalf of DRO, including the payment of a stipend for those activities.
B. DRO shall reimburse all necessary costs to enable the fullest possible participation of PAIMI Advisory Council members in all Council's activities and projects, consistent with federal requirements and the policies of DRO.
C. For DRO to reimburse PAIMI Advisory Council members, the member must have submitted a complete W-9 form. Reimbursement of mileage, hotel and qualified per diem meals must be submitted on the DRO approved expense form to the DRO financial department for payment. Reimbursement requests must be submitted within 30 days of the activity or meeting for which reimbursement is requested.
D. Determination of allowable meeting costs for reimbursement (including costs
associated with both in-person and virtual meetings), the procedure for approval, and documentation required must comply the most current Expense Reimbursement Policy maintained by DRO. DRO staff will ensure that a current version of this policy and the approved expense form are in the PAIMI Advisory Council Portal.
Article VIII - Conferences, workshops, and seminars
A. PAIMI Advisory Council members wishing to attend conferences, workshops, seminars, and other similar activities related to their service on the PAIMI Advisory Council, and to have those expenses reimbursed by DRO, shall make a written request to the Executive Committee a minimum of 30 days before the conference or other training for in-state events and 45 days before out-of-state events. PAIMI Advisory Council members are encouraged to submit the request as early as possible. Reasonable accommodations to this timeline shall be made if needed to accommodate the person’s disability.
B. All such requests require the approval of the Executive Committee, and DRO’s Chief Financial Officer. The DRO PAC Facilitator will send the Executive Committee’s written recommendation to DRO’s Chief Financial Officer for the purpose of determining if the expense request is allowable and within DRO’s budget. The Chief Financial Officer will notify the DRO PAC Facilitator if the expense is approved, and the DRO PAC Facilitator will notify the PAIMI Advisory Council member and the Executive Committee.
C. The Executive Committee will follow the below selection criteria to select members to attend conferences, workshops, seminars, and other similar activities:
1. The member attends PAIMI Advisory Council and committee meetings regularly.
2. The activity is in line with DRO’s mission, vision, and values.
3. The PAIMI Advisory Council member’s term will be at least another six months and they are willing to share what they learn at the next quarterly meeting.
4. If multiple applicants apply for a conference, priority will be given to: PAIMI Advisory Council members who are leaders (Committee Chairs or Officers), who have a longer remaining term, and who have not yet attended that conference.
5. The Pat Risser Scholarship is handled through its own process, however, if a PAIMI Advisory Council member has attended the NARPA conference with the scholarship, that attendance will be considered when making decisions about conference requests. Recipients of the Pat Risser Scholarship will be tracked by the PAC Facilitator and shared with the PAIMI Advisory Council’s Executive Committee during review of conference requests, as needed.
Article IX - Parliamentary Authority/ Meeting Rules and Procedure
Types of Motions:
1. The PAIMI Advisory Council makes important decisions at council meetings and usually these are made with a motion and a vote. Here are some ways that motions are made.
a. Motion with Second: Any PAIMI Advisory Council member can make a motion at a council meeting. Before a motion can be voted on, another PAIMI Advisory Council member must second it.
b. Motion based on committee recommendation: Much of the work of the PAIMI Advisory Council happens during committee meetings. A motion that is based on a committee recommendation does not need a second.
c. Amendments: A Board member may ask for a change to a motion. Before the motion is changed, the person making the motion and the second must agree to the change.
d. Motion to Table: A Board member can ask that a motion be tabled: this means that it will not be voted on or considered until another member asks that it be brought back for consideration. Any request to table a motion (or to bring a motion back from being tabled) must have a second and then be voted on.
2. Taking Action on a Motion: Before a motion is voted on, the PAC Chair will ask for discussion. All PAIMI Advisory Council members can comment on the motion or ask questions about the motion. The Chair will decide if enough time has been given for discussion and then will ask the PAIMI Advisory Council members to vote on the motion. If needed, the motion will be restated before voting begins.
3. Voting: The Chair will ask members to say or indicate if they are in favor (e.g. vote yes) or opposed (e.g. vote no). This can be by saying “aye” or “nay” or by raising their hands when asked. The Chair will also ask if anyone needs to abstain from voting.
a. Abstaining: Abstaining means that you decide not to vote on a motion and want the minutes to say that you abstained. A PAIMI Advisory Council member must say if the abstention is because of a conflict of interest.
b. Roll call: Any member can ask for a roll call vote. A roll call vote is when the Chair calls out each member’s name and asks for their vote. Each individual vote is written down in the minutes.
4. Decision by Consensus: In addition to the formal motion and voting process, the PAIMI Advisory Council may conduct business and make decisions based upon consensus. The Chair or any PAC member may bring an issue up for discussion of the full PAIMI Advisory Council. If each member present at the meeting has an opportunity to speak to the issue and it appears that there is agreement, the Chair may state the action to be taken and say that there appears to be consensus or agreement by all present members.
a. Objection to Consensus: If there is no objection raised, then the action may be taken by a consensus of the PAIMI Advisory Council, and no formal vote is needed. The minutes shall say that the action was taken by consensus of the PAIMI Advisory Council.
5. Point of Order: A member may object to any action at a PAIMI Advisory Council meeting as being in conflict with the meeting rules. The Chair must recognize the point, seek clarification if necessary, and state whether there is a conflict. The minutes will reflect the point of order raised and state the conflict determination.
Article X – Amendments
The Operating Standards may be amended by a 2/3 majority of the members present, provided the text of the amendments to the Operating Standards has been sent to all members at least 20 days prior to the meeting at which the amendments will be voted on. Only voting members present at the meeting shall vote on the proposed amendments. Once approved by the PAIMI Advisory Council, the DRO Board must also review and vote on the proposed amendments before they go into effect.
Other additions
Revised Approved by PAIMI Advisory Council and DRO Board of Directors, April 4, 2024
Revised: Approved by PAIMI Advisory Council, September 24, 2022
Revised: Approved by PAIMI Council December 9, 2017
Revised: Approved by PAIMI Council December 13, 2014
Revised: Approved by PAIMI Council March 9, 2013
Revised: Approved by PAIMI Council April 16, 2005
Revised: Approved by PAIMI Council June 1, 1998
Revised: October 19, 1991
Revised: September 23, 1989