Disability Rights Ohio's Intake Department can be reached at 614-466-7264 or 800-282-9181, option 2. The intake line is open from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. weekdays, but you can leave a message 24 hours a day and someone will return your call.
After you tell our intake staff the details of your situation, they may be able to give you information right away to help you advocate for yourself or get connected with another organization better able to help. If your situation needs further attention, it may be assigned to an advocate or an attorney on our staff.
Our short-term assistance staff will give you information to better help you advocate for yourself. If your situation falls within our Goals and Objectives, it may be assigned to a program advocate or attorney. That person will contact you to get more information and may make some requests to the opposing party, such as your child's school or your landlord, with your permission.
Most of the time, a solution can be worked out without resorting to formal legal action. If, however, your situation fits within our priorities and we are unable to resolve the problem through negotiations, we may represent you by filing a formal complaint or lawsuit.