#AdvocacyMatters: Listening and Learning

Our work is most effective when it’s shaped and informed by the real, lived experiences of Ohioans with disabilities. Read more...

September 30, 2022Read More

#EveryoneDeservesCare: Julie's Story

“The staffing crisis didn’t stop, it’s worse now that we’re not in service.” Read more...

September 28, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Education for Everyone

To support Ohio parents, DRO will continue to provide Special Education Legal Clinics in partnership with Albeit-Weiker LLP and the Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities. Read more...

September 23, 2022Read More

#EveryoneDeservesCare: BC's story

“My goal was for him to live independently, be employed, and have community connections... And that has not worked out very well. It’s been a very long road.” Read more...

September 21, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: On Location

Connecting directly with the communities we serve is the only way for our bold vision to come to life… rooted in the real, lived experiences of people with disabilities across Ohio. Read more...

September 16, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Real Wages for Real Work

The rights enjoyed by the majority should be enjoyed by all… and one of these most basic rights is receiving a fair wage for work completed. Read more...

September 9, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Staying Connected

Our work is only effective if firmly rooted in the realities and lived experiences of the communities we serve. Read more...

September 2, 2022Read More

#EveryoneDeservesCare: Latisha's Story

Today, Latisha receives daily living, transportation, and financial support from her direct care workers. In order to receive all the care she needs, there must be available staff that can assist her. She enjoys living independently because it offers her the freedom to go where she wants. Moreover, it allows... Read more...

September 1, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Face to Face

In the complex world of advocacy, one of the biggest challenges can be making direct connections with those who wield the power to shape policy. Read more...

August 26, 2022Read More

#EveryoneDeservesCare: Luke and Heather

Even if Luke was able to get his 5 hours of care consistently covered, Heather feels it wouldn’t be enough. Heather’s relentless advocacy has increased Luke’s care to 10 hours per week, but she feels frustrated that the officials who are determining what Luke needs are not the people that... Read more...

August 25, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Making A Splash

Connecting directly with communities across Ohio is a pivotal part of bringing our mission to life. Read more...

August 19, 2022Read More

#EveryoneDeservesCare: Christine's Story

Currently, she has not had an aide since March 2022. “Basically, my mom has been my aide… and it’s really hard on her because she is in her sixties. It is not easy for her to do this stuff and she basically has to do it all by herself,” notes Christine. Read more...

August 15, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: [ to OVERCOME ]

“Being able to turn the page on an incredibly challenging year and still share success stories like these is a remarkable accomplishment,” Sjoberg continues. “With the promise of a new year, new advocacy, and new challenges ahead, we can’t wait to see what’s in store.” Read more...

August 12, 2022Read More

#EveryoneDeservesCare: Cara and Corey

Cara wishes that people understood the impact of having direct care workers coming and going on the people they are caring for as well as their families. She describes it as a strange experience to have someone constantly in your home that you don’t know. She also highlights the impact... Read more...

August 8, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Ask An Advocate

Oftentimes, access to story-sharing takes a route not travelable by disabled advocates, leaving a space with stories left untold. With inspiration from recorded oral history like the stories of Clevelanders captured by John Leoni, and produced by Linking Employment Abilities and Potential (LEAP), Alexia set forward with a specific vision... Read more...

August 5, 2022Read More

Update: Notice of Data Breach

We are writing to tell you about a data security breach with the e-mail system at Disability Rights Ohio. The data security breach may have included your personal information. DRO takes the protection and proper use of your information very seriously. We are contacting you to explain what happened and... Read more...

August 1, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Everyone Deserves Care

Equal access to care is a critical and essential component of a truly equitable society. Read more...

July 29, 2022Read More

#EveryoneDeservesCare: JW's Story

Without intentional change, JW and others like her will continue to lose their freedom, including their ability to live independent and productive lives. JW wants to live like every other adult. “I enjoy doing what every other 35-year-old does. I just need a bit of help.” Read more...

July 27, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: A Vision of Change

“This moment demands more. It requires a bold vision that truly invests in evidence-based interventions that address the demands of our community.” Read more...

July 22, 2022Read More

#EveryoneDeservesCare: Daniella and Roxanne

“To have a field where there are no benefits and no good compensation and to expect that people will work in that field and do a good job is a huge hindrance to both the people with disabilities and the people who want to help people with disabilities,” Read more...

July 21, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Page by page

Our mission of a truly equitable society requires accessibility as a foundational principle, and this is an area we are constantly striving to improve. Read more...

July 15, 2022Read More

#EveryoneDeservesCare: LC's story

“A lot of people take for granted that they have a 26-year-old, they’re good to go, right? They can go to church. They can go to the store. They can maintain their employment. Those are luxuries for me.” Read more...

July 13, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Lending a Paw

Our mission of a truly equitable society can only begin to be realized with the understanding that the work is much, much bigger than us. Read more...

July 8, 2022Read More

#EveryoneDeservesCare: This Is Us

As you can see, my 39 years have been challenging, but none of it prepared me for the last two years. Read more...

July 6, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Dangerous Steps Backwards

Regardless of one’s personal views on abortion, the overturning of Roe was a dangerous attack on rights, equity and healthcare access. Read more...

July 1, 2022Read More

Disability Rights Ohio Condemns Supreme Court's Rollback of Abortion Rights

Disability Rights Ohio condemns in the strongest way last week’s Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, restricting reproductive freedom and jeopardizing health care options for people across the country. Read more...

June 30, 2022Read More

#EveryoneDeservesCare: Cynthia's Story

“It was just like a whole new world. I was on a vacation that didn’t stop." Read more...

June 29, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: A Path of Opportunities

The availability of programs and services alone isn’t enough to move us forward… for only through their accessibility can outcomes toward equity be achieved. Read more...

June 24, 2022Read More

#EveryoneDeservesCare: Robert's Story

“I like to think that in a better world, not a perfect world, in a better world, I could get enough care to take care of my medical needs and still be able to work at least part time, if nothing else, from home.” Read more...

June 22, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Celebrating Juneteenth

Today - because our #AdvocacyMatters - we elevate Shari Cooper’s blog, The Power of Juneteenth. Read more...

June 17, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Making Connections

In a society where barriers sprout up between marginalized communities and those in power - both by indifference and by design - it can be incredibly difficult to get the ear and the attention of those able to make changes. Read more...

June 10, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Broadening Our Impact

The journey to effective advocacy is often fraught with landmines and barriers for many oppressed communities. Read more...

June 3, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: In The Aftermath

In the face of tragedy we must elevate ourselves beyond the convenient excuses, and instead relentlessly pursue truth. Read more...

May 27, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: More Than A Guide

Equity in our communities and across our state cannot be achieved until each person has access to the tools and information they need to be successful. Read more...

May 20, 2022Read More

DRO releases "RISE UP," a resource guide for young adults with disabilities

Resources for young adults with disabilities transitioning to adulthood are often confusing or simply non-existent. This new resource aims to provide more practical advice to young people. Read more...

May 18, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: The Next Generation of Advocates

Movement towards a truly equitable society will only carry forward if our focus rests not just on today’s challenges, but also on preparing for those ahead. Read more...

May 13, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Oversight and Oversteps

The ongoing battle towards a fair and equitable society is complex, and often overwhelming. Simply advocating and pushing for improved access and service systems isn’t enough, as there are active efforts to undermine the victories that have already been secured. Read more...

May 6, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Barriers at the Ballot Box

Our vision of a truly equitable society can only become reality once all people - including those with disabilities - have free and fair access to the election process. Read more...

April 29, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: An unusual approach

These events can bridge the gap between our organization and the communities we serve, allowing all to enjoy a shared sense of purpose and joy. Read more...

April 22, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Pleas for change

Someone amid a mental health crisis far too often falls victim to dangerous, ablest stigmas… in many cases not just delaying the necessary help, but impeding it. Read more...

April 15, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Opportunity Knocks

Our advocacy is most effective when we are able to bring it directly into the communities we serve. By connecting on a local level with our partners and allies, we can most effectively reach broader audiences with new resources, new tools, and new opportunities. Read more...

April 8, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Ballot Barriers

Our vision of a truly equitable society will only be possible when people with disabilities are in the rooms where decisions are being made… from the board room to the voting booth. Read more...

April 1, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Leading the Way

Those who pave the way often create better opportunities not just for themselves, but also for those who come behind them. Read more...

March 25, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Become Certified in Mental Health First Aid

First aid training in mental health helps participants learn to assess for risk of self-harm, listen nonjudgmentally, and encourage the appropriate professional help. It also provides needed connection to local providers, community services and national resources available for support. Read more...

March 18, 2022Read More

#LaDefensaImporta: Obtenga la certificación en Primeros Auxilios para la Salud Mental

Los kits de herramientas y las habilidades para la atención durante una crisis de salud mental son de vital importancia para la comunidad colectiva en Ohio y más allá, y merecen la misma atención que la capacitación básica en primeros auxilios. Read more...

March 18, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Uplifting voices, envisioning outcomes

Despite representing only 20 percent of the population, those with disabilities make up 30 to 50 percent of individuals subject to police use of force. An estimated one-third to one-half of people killed by police are people with disabilities. Read more...

March 11, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Community and the Power of Disabled Voices

We believe that people with disabilities need to be included in decision-making positions, and that organizations need to make space for disabled voices. Read more...

March 4, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: A Seat at the Table

Our goal is to ultimately promote recovery efforts for Ohio citizens with mental illness by bringing the challenges they face to the table. It has been encouraging to see firsthand that mental illness does not define a person and that recovery is possible.” Read more...

February 25, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: More than a spot to fill

The “work” of DRO is done many ways, by many people… people with the skills, the background, and the passion to push our vision forward. Read more...

February 18, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Parental Empowerment, Student Success

How do parents know that their student is receiving the education that they deserve? Read more...

February 11, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Short Term Assistance, Long Term Solutions

For many people with disabilities facing challenges, it can be difficult to know where to look for help. Read more...

February 4, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Identifying Obstacles, Amplifying Solutions

For nearly two full years, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a disruptive force in education. Read more...

January 28, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Because of You

When we asked you to join us, you answered the call. Read more...

January 21, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Closed Chapter, Opening Doors

Nearly six years ago, DRO took a major step in giving life to our mission by filing the landmark class action Ball vs. DeWine lawsuit on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities who were unnecessarily segregated in residential facilities or at risk of segregation. Read more...

January 14, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: A Coalition For Transformation

Recently, DRO joined a number of local organizers, activists, and groups in forming the Columbus Safety Collective - a coalition that is working to push the city of Columbus to transform the recently announced pilot program to a permanent anti-racist, trauma-informed, non-policing response system for people experiencing mental health crises. Read more...

January 7, 2022Read More

Landmark Class Action Lawsuit That Led to Over 1,000 Ohioans with Developmental Disabilities Moving Out of Institutions Resolved

Filed in 2016, the federal lawsuit aimed to better inform Ohioans with developmental disabilities about their options for living and working in the community and connect them to needed services and supports Read more...

January 6, 2022Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Unprecedented Challenges, Unique Solutions

The unique challenges of today’s reality require unique solutions. Read more...

December 17, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: New Year, New Vision

One of the unique characteristics of DRO is the makeup of our board: Most have experienced life through the lens of a person with a disability or a relative of a person with a disability. Read more...

December 10, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Just the Facts

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact people with disabilities in unique ways. Read more...

December 3, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Thoughts and Thankfulness

There’s no telling how different 2021 would have been without our supporters and allies. Read more...

November 24, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: When The Skies Aren't Friendly

Remarkably in July 2021 alone, 834 wheelchairs were reported to have been damaged by US-based airlines. Read more...

November 19, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Answers and Access

By amplifying the facts around #VaxAccess, you can help build safer, better-informed communities. Read more...

November 12, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Every Election is a Big Election

When it comes to equity in access to the voting process our team won’t stop picking up the phone. Read more...

November 5, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters- Forward: Together

As our world struggled amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, our work continued. Beyond just getting through, we pushed forward. Read more...

October 29, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Brick by Brick

We must recognize that this system has failed for far too long, inflicting trauma on the very lives they claim to be helping. Read more...

October 22, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: On Intersections and Injustice

Our mission may be to advocate for the human, civil and legal rights of Ohioans with disabilities, but we understand that this work does not happen in a vacuum. Read more...

October 15, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Headed Home - Phillip's Story

After years living in the same community, there was simply nowhere else that Phillip could call home. Over the last year, Phillip has been staying in the hospital, and he was nervous"yet thrilled"to return home after significant time away. However, Phillip had different needs than when he left; most notably,... Read more...

October 8, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Engagement for Empowerment

This new set of Goals and Objectives highlights DRO’s commitment to empower all Ohioans with disabilities through advocacy, support, and outreach. Read more...

October 1, 2021Read More

DRO Launches 2022 Goals and Objectives

Every year, we seek community input to focus our advocacy on issues of the highest importance to Ohioans with disabilities and strategies where we can have the most effective impact. Read more...

September 30, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: New Perspectives - A Spotlight on Disability Rights Ohio's Board of Directors

The work of Disability Rights Ohio (DRO) demands a high bar for our Board of Directors. Our board sets our strategic plan and advocacy goals and provides oversight to ensure DRO operates with the highest integrity. This Friday is the board’s annual meeting, and our newest members are raising the... Read more...

September 24, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Sequel Pomegranate Health Systems Update

ust last week, we received news that Torii Behavioral Health Systems"the for-profit corporation’s new name for Sequel Pomegranate"voluntarily relinquished all of its OMHAS licenses and certifications, including its license to operate a private psychiatric hospital. Read more...

September 17, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Care Work in Crisis

For many Ohioans with disabilities, home- and community-based services (HCBS) and the direct care workers that provide them are crucial to everyday life. Direct care workers help people with anything from personal care tasks"like bathing or getting dressed"to complex medical needs. Read more...

September 10, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: It Rages On

Our commitment to provide the tools, information, and resources to help Ohioans with disabilities throughout this challenging time remains as strong as ever. Read more...

September 3, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: A Meaningful Conversation

Our mission only comes to life when it’s rooted in the reality of our communities. As our work doesn’t exist in a vacuum, this information will ensure that our plans align with the actual needs being faced by Ohioans with disabilities. Read more...

August 27, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: New Year, New Challanges

As summer draws to a close and big, yellow school busses begin to appear in the morning fog, we sit at the outset of the third school year impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more...

August 20, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Our Path Forward

Earlier this year, you answered our calls and stood beside us in fighting against a budget bill amendment we saw as harmful and threatening to our work. You made countless phone calls and sent hundreds of emails to your representatives on our behalf asking them to remove this amendment. Read more...

August 13, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Shape Our Future

Each summer, Disability Rights Ohio embarks to develop our goals and objectives for the upcoming year. This goal-setting process connects us to Ohioans with disabilities, allowing our team to understand the scope and impact of the latest issues facing our communities. Let’s be clear: The most important piece of this... Read more...

August 6, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: A Cause for Celebration

Now that the dust has settled on a chaotic " and at times disappointing " state budget cycle, we would be remiss to not recognize and celebrate the many victories our advocacy and partnerships were able to bring about. Read more...

July 30, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: On Barriers and Ballots

During a whirlwind of a year, 2020’s primary and general elections presented an abundance of opportunities and challenges for the disability-rights community. Read more...

July 23, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Diligent Observation, Fierce Protection

While the global COVID-19 pandemic complicated seemingly all aspects of our daily lives, the lasting impacts magnified the need for many of the essential functions performed by our organization. Read more...

July 16, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Lighting Our Path

From fighting for community living to advocating for safe returns to work, DRO empowered Ohioans with the tools to advocate for the life they deserve. All year long, their stories lit our path. Read more...

July 9, 2021Read More

We Rise: DRO Highlights Challenges, Victories in 2020 Annual Report

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Disability Rights Ohio was faced with a stark reality, their work on behalf of Ohioans living with disabilities was needed more than perhaps ever before. Read more...

July 7, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: A Different Independence Day

Galvanized by how disposable our work appears to be to Ohio’s elected leaders, we are fueled to move forward by those for whom we advocate. Read more...

July 2, 2021Read More

DRO Calls on Governor DeWine to Veto Harmful and Retaliatory Amendment, Protecting Nonprofit’s Mission to Advocate on Behalf of Ohioans with Disabilities

Amendment in state budget bill conflicts with DRO’s independence as the designated federal protection and advocacy system, compromising its ability to protect the rights of people with disabilities Read more...

June 28, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: The Totality of our Work

The essence of DRO is rooted in the empowerment of individuals and communities throughout our state, and sharing their stories and experiences with our allies and supporters is by far the best way to understand the totality of our work. Read more...

June 25, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: You Aren't Alone

When families are trying to understand and protect their student’s right to an appropriate education, we believe that they shouldn’t be alone. Read more...

June 18, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: In Their Own Voices

This week, the Ohio Senate added an amendment to the state budget with undue and retaliatory oversight of the state’s Protection and Advocacy (P&A) organization that could have a chilling effect on DRO’s ability to protect the rights of Ohioans with disabilities. Read more...

June 11, 2021Read More

Urgent: Amendment will detrimentally impact all Ohioans living with disabilities

In the next 24-48 hours Ohio Senators will vote on budget legislation that includes an amendment that will detrimentally impact Ohioans living with disabilities. Read more...

June 8, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Floating to the Finish Line

Perhaps you heard the faint quacking earlier this week as more than 300 rubber ducks paddled down the Muskingum and Ohio Rivers near Marietta. Or, more likely, you heard us cheering along the shores, following the ducks progress and, moreover, proud to have successfully “spread our wings” with our first... Read more...

June 4, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Forming Partnerships, Filling Needs

Of all the challenges presented by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, some of the most concerning surround the interrupted educational opportunities and their impact on students who depend on special education services. Read more...

May 28, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Pushing Back, Pressing Forward

A proposed amendment to Ohio’s biennial budget presents dangerous, retaliatory complications that would jeopardize DRO’s ability to maximize our team’s work. Read more...

May 21, 2021Read More

Leading Advocates Testify, Warn Legislators That Proposed Amendment Will Unduly Harm Ohioans Living with Disabilities

Disability Rights Ohio’s Executive Director and teen activist testify in front of lawmakers, urging them to reject the proposed Protection and Advocacy Transparency Amendment Read more...

May 18, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: The Home Stretch

Over the last several months, Disability Rights Ohio’s work has revolved around the state’s biennial budget as we advocate to Ohio’s legislature for the rights of people with disabilities. Read more...

May 14, 2021Read More

Disability Rights Ohio Urges State Lawmakers to Act Responsibly and Reject Senseless Retaliatory Amendment

The proposed Protection and Advocacy Transparency Amendment would not only detrimentally impact Disability Rights Ohio’s daily work, protecting the rights of Ohioans with disabilities, but go well beyond the congressional intent of the system itself Read more...

May 11, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Spreading Our Wings

By spreading our wings, connecting with our communities, and trying new things, we hope it’s clear just how much #AdvocacyMatters to our team. Read more...

May 7, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Magnifying the Moment

By partnering with allies and like-minded organizations across the country, our work can grow and our impact can be amplified. Read more...

April 30, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: A Matter Of Appreciation

“It's a privilege to sit at the table with other advocates for Ohioans with disabilities and to have the opportunity to offer a voice to those our society has tried to silence.” Read more...

April 23, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: A Human Connection

Recently, we began transitioning our intake system to return to live specialists answering the phones instead of the voicemail prompt. Read more...

April 16, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: The Sky Is No Longer The Limit

Stories and headlines, in attempting to project inspiration, often remark on “overcoming” or “moving past” one’s disability. Read more...

April 9, 2021Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Why we never gave up

Five years ago, we embarked on a legal journey to improve access to Home and Community-Based Services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Read more...

April 2, 2021Read More

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