DRO expresses concerns about new statewide Medicaid EVV system

DRO first contacted the Ohio Department of Medicaid to express concerns about the state's plans to implement Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) in September. However, Medicaid moved forward with the GPS-based EVV system and the delivery of the devices directly to consumers. As the launch date approached, DRO’s concerns continued to... Read more...

January 9, 2018Read More

She needed OOD to cover tuition costs. We were there to help. #AdvocacyMatters

Monisha wants to be a computer hardware engineer, and she's been working with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) to achieve that goal. Because she's Deaf, American Sign Language is Monisha's first language, and understanding written English can be a challenge for her. Read more...

January 5, 2018Read More

She needed a closer parking space. We paved the way. #AdvocacyMatters

Leandra could never find a parking space close to her apartment. She'd have to park a block away and walk up a hill to her building, which was quite difficult because of her mobility disability. She asked her landlord to give her an assigned, reserved parking space close to her... Read more...

December 29, 2017Read More

Remember DRO for your year-end giving

As 2017 closes, Disability Rights Ohio asks for your support as we continue to advocate for the human, civil and legal rights of all people with disabilities. And if you donate by December 31, your gift will be tax-deductible. Read more...

December 27, 2017Read More

The clients were living in appalling, unsafe conditions. We got the facility shut down. #AdvocacyMatters

As the Protection & Advocacy system for people with disabilities in Ohio, Disability Rights Ohio constantly monitors facilities where people with disabilities live to make sure they are clean and safe and the residents are well cared for. In June 2016, DRO made a monitoring visit to Simmons Adult Care,... Read more...

December 21, 2017Read More

Donzel Shepherd's call to DRO leads to more transparency for all Ohioans with disabilities seeking job services #AdvocacyMatters

Donzel Shepherd wants to help people get back to work, and he wants to do that in the underserved neighborhoods in his hometown of Cleveland. "I want to go into the community centers, where people don't have access to these services," he explains. "No one else goes there. " Read more...

December 15, 2017Read More

Bipartisan bill would create new program to protect people with disabilities from financial exploitation #AdvocacyMatters

Recently there have been reports in the news and through the Office of the Inspector General and Government Accountability Office about problems with the representative payee oversight program. In response, Congressional Republican Sam Johnson of Texas and Democrat John B. Larson of Connecticut have introduced House Resolution 4547, the Strengthening... Read more...

December 8, 2017Read More

New DRO FAQ explains options for people receiving notice that their waiver services haven't been used

On Oct. 30, 2017, DODD mailed letters to all people with developmental disabilities, and their guardians, who are enrolled on an Individual Options (IO), Level 1 or SELF waiver but who have not used any of their waiver services for more than a year. Disability Rights Ohio has created a... Read more...

December 7, 2017Read More

DRO submits comments on Ohio Senate bill that could negatively affect students with disabilities

isability Rights Ohio Executive Director Michael Kirkman recently sent a letter to state legislators working on Senate Bill 216, which intends to “deregulate” Ohio’s education system but could negatively impact students with disabilities. Read more...

December 6, 2017Read More

Tuscarawas County Judge upholds ruling in discrimination and retaliation case against daycare worker represented by DRO

A Tuscarawas County Court of Common Pleas Judge has upheld a finding by the Ohio Civil Rights Commission (OCRC) that a daycare facility discriminated against an employee by firing her after one day on the job. In July 2014, daycare Through the Years dismissed Theresa Petrullo, who has been diagnosed... Read more...

December 6, 2017Read More

He wanted to vote. We made it happen. #AdvocacyMatters

It was Election Day and James was excited to exercise his right to vote. He called DRO's voter hotline from the facility where he lives to get the address of his polling location. DRO found the information, and James asked the DRO representative to tell a staff member at the... Read more...

December 1, 2017Read More

With your gift, we can help more people like Nancy

There isn't always a big win. Sometimes, it's incremental success. In today's world, it's progress when we keep things from moving backward. We know our work is far from over, and you know it, too. We write today to ask for a gift of $100, $50, $20 or even $10... Read more...

November 27, 2017Read More

Thanks to DRO's pro bono partnership with Nationwide, Gabriel can get the services he needs in the community. #AdvocacyMatters

Gabriel's parents, Stanley and Jean, had given him the best care they could in his youth. However, at 20 years old, conflicts escalated with Gabriel's increasingly aggressive behavior and Stanley's own health challenges. Gabriel was on the waiting list for a Medicaid waiver so that he could live his dream... Read more...

November 22, 2017Read More

His landlords threatened him over his emotional support animal request. We clarified the law so he could bring home his new best friend. #AdvocacyMatters

Stephen had collected everything he thought he needed to request a reasonable accommodation from his landlords to get an emotional support animal. But even after going above and beyond what is legally required by getting a letter from his doctor, they still denied his request, citing a "no pets" policy.... Read more...

November 17, 2017Read More

The Arc of Ohio, The Arc of the United States and the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law Support Community Integration Class Action Suit

Today, The Arc of Ohio, The Arc of the United States and The Judge David L Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law submitted an amicus brief to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio in support of Ball v. Kasich, the class action lawsuit that asserts... Read more...

November 9, 2017Read More

DRO cares about your right to vote. Call our Voter Hotline for help. #AdvocacyMatters

People with disabilities have the right to vote, and Disability Rights Ohio fights to ensure that those votes can be cast. Every Election Day, DRO runs a Voter Hotline, which allows people who are having problems voting to talk directly to a DRO staff member, who can answer their questions.... Read more...

November 2, 2017Read More

Sheila's confusing government letter was made clear, thanks to a little help from DRO. #AdvocacyMatters

Sheila was concerned. She'd gotten a letter in the mail that seemed to say her Medicare benefits would stop at the end of the year, and she wasn't sure why. She called DRO's Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) program, since she'd worked with our benefits counselors before and thought... Read more...

October 27, 2017Read More

Without his scooter, he couldn't safely visit his son in prison. We helped him keep rolling. #AdvocacyMatters

Melvin's son is serving a prison sentence, and Melvin and his wife, Reba, like to visit him once a month. When checking in at security, though, the prison staff required Melvin to turn in his motorized scooter and use a chair on four small wheels instead. However, the visitation area... Read more...

October 20, 2017Read More

They needed an accessible parking space. We educated their landlord about the Fair Housing Act. #AdvocacyMatters

Miriam and her husband Dave have lived in her apartment for 20 years. Because Miriam uses a walker and Dave was recently diagnosed with cancer, they needed an accessible parking space near their townhouse door. However, their new landlords had taken down the accessible parking signs and the emblem painted... Read more...

October 13, 2017Read More

Today is The Big Give!

#AdvocacyMatters. You acted with your voice. You made calls and sent letters to your legislators. Starting TODAY at 10 a.m., you can strengthen your voice with a donation to DRO through The Columbus Foundation's BIG GIVE event. During THE BIG GIVE, your gift of $25, $50, or $100 or more... Read more...

October 10, 2017Read More

Her nursing services were threatened by a change to her waiver. We helped her maintain the care she needs. #AdvocacyMatters

Thanks to a Medicaid waiver, Mimi had been receiving nursing services to help with her feeding tube, medications and walking assistance for years. She is also nonverbal. When the state decided to eliminate the waiver she'd been on and transition her to a different one, they also notified her that... Read more...

October 5, 2017Read More

He was ready to get off his benefits. We advised him on the path forward. #AdvocacyMatters

At 25 years old, Martin had been through three back surgeries. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) had supported him during that time, but he was eager to return to work. He utilized the Trial Work Period offered through the Social Security Ticket to Work program, which allowed him to work... Read more...

September 28, 2017Read More

We're moving!

On Friday, September 29, Disability Rights Ohio will be moving to a new location: 200 Civic Center Drive, Suite 300 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Our phone numbers will be staying the same. However, on Friday our phones will be disconnected, and callers will not be able to leave voicemail until Monday, October 2 at... Read more...

September 27, 2017Read More

Hearing Wednesday for bill to create OOD council

Important state policy events are also happening this week! This Wednesday, an Ohio Senate Committee is likely to vote on legislation that will create a new Council to provide more oversight of job-related services provided by the Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities state agency. DRO will serve as a member... Read more...

September 25, 2017Read More

He needed help getting back to the doctor. We helped smooth his way. #AdvocacyMatters

Matt's back hurt, and he was having trouble with his sight, so he scheduled an appointment with the only doctor who accepted Medicaid in his small town. At the appointment, he asked the doctor to refer him to specialists, but the doctor insisted that he make a second appointment to... Read more...

September 22, 2017Read More

Action Alert: Senate to Vote on Health Care Bill Next Week

Ohio's U.S. Senator Rob Portman is undecided on the Graham-Cassidy health care bill. Call NOW to tell him to vote NO. The U.S. Senate is expected to vote on the recently introduced Graham-Cassidy health care bill next week. Read more...

September 21, 2017Read More

DRO submits comments on bill to create OOD Council

Disability Rights Ohio recently submitted interested party testimony on Ohio Senate Bill 144 (SB144), which would replace the current Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) Commission with an Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities Council (Council). OOD is the state agency that administers vocational rehabilitation (VR) services to Ohioans with disabilities,... Read more...

September 21, 2017Read More

DRO provides comments on Ohio's proposed Electronic Visit Verification system

Disability Rights Ohio recently provided public comments on the proposed Ohio Home Care Waiver amendment that would implement an Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system. Read more...

September 18, 2017Read More

DRO submits comments on DODD proposed rule changes for independent providers

Today Disability Rights Ohio submitted comments about the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities proposed rule changes for independent service providers. Read the rule language and our comments. Read more...

September 15, 2017Read More

She wanted a bigger place for her cat, but her landlord said no. We helped them move forward. #AdvocacyMatters

Stephanie lived in an efficiency apartment with her cat, Cleo--an emotional support animal--but she felt like she needed more space. She asked her landlord if she could move into a one-bedroom apartment in the building. Despite Stephanie providing medical documentation, her landlord denied her request and said the cat wouldn't... Read more...

September 15, 2017Read More

She didn't feel safe on the school bus. We helped her get the support she needed. #AdvocacyMatters

At the end of last school year, Kayla was inappropriately touched and repeatedly sexually harassed on the school bus by an older boy. However, the school refused to take action and even suggested that Kayla may have encouraged his behavior, despite knowing that she had disabilities related to fetal alcohol... Read more...

September 8, 2017Read More

D'Marcell felt out of place and desperate for help. Our advocacy brought systemic changes. #AdvocacyMatters

D'Marcell is a transgender woman living in a men's prison. This caused her to feel extreme anxiety and depression and to act out by injuring herself. The prison, however, denied her any hormone therapy, choosing instead to treat her only for anxiety and depression, which didn't solve the underlying problem.... Read more...

September 1, 2017Read More

Help us set our priorities for 2018

Every Fall, Disability Rights Ohio sets new priorities for the work we will do in the coming year. These priorities help us to focus our limited resources on the issues that are most critical to people with disabilities. Please take our Fiscal Year 2018 Priorities Survey and give us your... Read more...

August 18, 2017Read More

She needed an accommodation to get her license back. We helped her succeed. #AdvocacyMatters

Vanessa's massage therapy license had lapsed. She wanted to get it restored so she could financially support herself. That required her to take a computer-based licensing test, but her disability made it difficult to travel to the distant location where the test was administered. She asked the state Massage Therapy... Read more...

August 18, 2017Read More

She wanted to see our nation's history. We helped her get there. #AdvocacyMatters

Tasia's eighth-grade class was planning a trip to Washington, D.C., and although her developmental disabilities made it difficult for her to focus on tasks and move efficiently from place to place, she was excited to go. Her grandmother, Jeanne, provided all of the required information and paid for the trip,... Read more...

August 11, 2017Read More

Have you been denied a Medicaid service?

Disability Rights Ohio and Nationwide have a new partnership designed to provide free legal representation in certain Medicaid appeal cases. We will refer cases where the individual has been denied or experienced a reduction in services, such as: Read more...

August 7, 2017Read More

We saw a need, and a grant from OSBF helped us fill it. #AdvocacyMatters

Although Disability Rights Ohio has dozens of helpful documents in its online Resource Center, they were not accessible for many of the 100,000 American Sign Language speakers in Ohio, so we applied for, and received, a grant from the Ohio State Bar Foundation to change that. Because ASL and English... Read more...

August 4, 2017Read More

Disability Rights Ohio, Deaf Services Center release disability rights resources in American Sign Language

Disability Rights Ohio (DRO) and Deaf Services Center (DSC) are pleased to announce the release of 18 new videos, interpreting many of DRO's most requested resources into American Sign Language (ASL). The two organizations worked together on the project, thanks to a $15,000 grant from the Ohio State Bar Foundation. Read more...

August 1, 2017Read More

We did it! Together, we saved Medicaid

In a surprising and dramatic early morning session, the U.S. Senate voted no on the proposed "skinny repeal" health care bill that would have undermined the Affordable Care Act. Your calls, your stories and your protests made that happen. Together, we saved Medicaid and the other critical health insurance programs... Read more...

July 28, 2017Read More

Action Alert: Senate Votes to Proceed with Unknown Health Care Bill

Today the U.S. Senate voted to proceed with debate on a health care bill. However, no one knows what version of the health care bill they're planning to vote on in the coming days. Read more...

July 25, 2017Read More

Busting #MedicaidMyths: Long-term job coaching

Myth: My best friend's son has Down Syndrome and works in an office with a job coach. That service is paid for by employment programs at Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, though, not Medicaid. Medicaid is only for medical needs. Read more...

July 14, 2017Read More

Support us with your purchases through Amazon Smile

It's Amazon Prime Day! If you shop at smile.amazon.com and choose the Ohio Disability Rights Law and Policy Center Inc. as your charity, a percentage of your purchase goes to help us do our critical advocacy work for people with disabilities in Ohio. Shop for great deals at smile.amazon.com/ch/45-4122935 Read more...

July 11, 2017Read More

New DRO publication collects our #MedicaidMyths

DRO has collected several of our #MedicaidMyths into a full-color booklet for easy sharing. The resource includes important statistics about Medicaid in Ohio, as well as facts like this one: Myth: "We moved my mom into a nursing home a few months ago. I've heard that Congress isn't planning to touch... Read more...

July 7, 2017Read More

Action Alert: Continue the Fight to Save Medicaid Expansion in Ohio

The Ohio General Assembly this week passed Governor John Kasich's final two-year budget. This budget includes a provision that would freeze new enrollments in Medicaid expansion starting on July 1, 2018. Though Governor Kasich has vetoed the measure, House and Senate leadership have threatened to override his veto after the... Read more...

June 30, 2017Read More

Busting #MedicaidMyths: Medical equipment and home modifications

Myth: My niece has cerebral palsy and uses a power wheelchair. Her parents have great health insurance through their employers, though, so she doesn't need Medicaid. Read more...

June 23, 2017Read More

Action Alert: Senate to vote on health care next week, Portman undecided

Ohio's U.S. Senator Rob Portman is undecided on the American Health Care Act. Call NOW to tell him to vote NO. Calling only takes a minute. A staff member will answer or you can leave a message on voicemail. If you need some talking points, here are some things you... Read more...

June 22, 2017Read More

They were being mistreated in prison. We advocated for their rights. #AdvocacyMatters

"Treatment team meetings are just discussions about how to kick us out of the mental health unit as soon as possible," they said. Several people in prison units designed to provide treatment for those with serious mental illness had contacted Disability Rights Ohio to express this concern. DRO took their complaints... Read more...

June 16, 2017Read More

He lost his sight during a mental health crisis. We helped him regain his dignity. #AdvocacyMatters

Gerald is lucky to be alive. In 2015, he was shot by police 10 times during a mental health crisis. The altercation left him missing one eye and with limited sight in the remaining eye. After he healed from his gunshot wounds, he was placed in a psychiatric hospital, where... Read more...

June 9, 2017Read More

He wanted to move on from some mistakes in his youth. We helped him get a new chance. #AdvocacyMatters

Marcus was ready to find a job in the community, but he was having difficulty finding work because of some criminal charges from 14 years ago. Since then, he had stayed out of trouble, gone to therapy and become an active member of his church community, making him an excellent... Read more...

June 2, 2017Read More

Her high school teachers thought she couldn't learn. We stepped in. Now she's thriving in college. #AdvocacyMatters

Jordyn Zimmerman was always told that because she was not able to communicate verbally, college was not on the horizon. Even a modified high school diploma was hardly expected. Her educators believed her autism meant that she couldn't understand them. DRO found that was not the case. Read more...

May 26, 2017Read More

After many years of school, she wanted to give work a trial run. We gave her some good news. #AdvocacyMatters

Marcy was a recipient of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and she had just finished school to become a physician's assistant. She worried about being physically able to work full-time, which would eliminate her SSDI benefits. Read more...

May 19, 2017Read More

DRO submits testimony on proposed mental health crisis stabilization facilities

Disability Rights Ohio Executive Director Michael Kirkman submitted testimony Thursday on the provision of Substitute House Bill 49 allocating $12 million ($6 million per fiscal year) for mental health crisis stabilization facilities. Read more...

May 12, 2017Read More

Her school had failed her. We helped her learn to succeed. #AdvocacyMatters

Sometimes the only thing standing between people with disabilities and success is the systems that are meant to serve them. In 2012, Alexis had a behavioral incident at school. The school removed her, even though the incident was related to her disability. DRO stepped in and represented Alexis in a... Read more...

May 12, 2017Read More

She wanted help after a sexual assault. We connected her with resources. #AdvocacyMatters

“Brenna” was a patient at a psychiatric hospital who was sexually assaulted by a staff member. The nurse on duty refused to do a rape kit. She also refused to allow the victim to go to the medical hospital, where she would be connected with counseling services. Brenna called DRO... Read more...

May 5, 2017Read More

Action Alert: The House votes on health care TODAY. Call NOW.

The U.S. House is expected to vote on the American Health Care Act (AHCA) today. Though they are rushing it through before the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) can score it, we know that it's more extreme than the previous version, which the CBO said would have left 24 million Americans... Read more...

May 4, 2017Read More

Busting #MedicaidMyths: Addiction treatment services

Myth: The opioid crisis worries me a lot. So many people in my community are dying. Ohio needs to do more to get people into treatment. Those programs are funded by the state and the county mental health boards, not Medicaid, right? Read more...

May 2, 2017Read More

DRO submits testimony on service provider pay rates and system capacity

Disability Rights Ohio Executive Director Michael Kirkman submitted testimony Friday on the provision of Substitute House Bill 49 removing money for increased pay for direct service providers of waiver services. Read more...

May 1, 2017Read More

DRO submits testimony on bill to create database for people with communication disabilities

Today Disability Rights Ohio submitted Interested Party testimony on Ohio House Bill 115, which would create a voluntary database of people with "communication disabilities," which could be accessed by law enforcement. Read more...

April 27, 2017Read More

U.S. House to reintroduce GOP health care bill

ACTION ALERT: THE HEALTH CARE BILL IS BACK Call your representatives to urge them to vote against cuts in Medicaid and health care for people with disabilities. Read more...

April 27, 2017Read More

Find all of our #MedicaidMyths and #AdvocacyMatters stories in one place

For the last several weeks we've been busting the myths of Medicaid funding in our #MedicaidMyths series and sharing our success stories in our #AdvocacyMatters series. Want to see all of them? You can keep track of all the stories in each campaign at #MedicaidMyths and #AdvocacyMatters and share them... Read more...

April 27, 2017Read More

Busting #MedicaidMyths: Medicaid services in schools

Myth: My daughter gets occupational therapy and physical therapy at school, but that is just part of school services to help her get through the day. It doesn't have anything to do with Medicaid. Read more...

April 25, 2017Read More

They needed dental care. We made it happen. #AdvocacyMatters

On a monitoring trip to a psychiatric hospital in March, DRO advocates found that some patients had not received dental care in several months. Some of the problems were serious. Read more...

April 21, 2017Read More

Busting #MedicaidMyths: Nursing home care

Myth: "We moved my mom into a nursing home a few months ago. I've heard that Congress isn't planning to touch Medicare, so we're safe. Cuts to Medicaid won't affect us." Read more...

April 18, 2017Read More

She wanted independence. That's when DRO took her guardianship case. #AdvocacyMatters

"Rebecca," a young woman with a mild to moderate intellectual disability, had a guardian - her mother. Rebecca wanted to maintain the good relationship she shared with her mom, yet felt she no longer needed her to make choices about her life. Read more...

April 14, 2017Read More

Busting #MedicaidMyths: In-home support services and staff

Myth: "My son has a developmental disability. We have some support staff who come to our house, which I really appreciate. That comes from my county board of developmental disabilities, though, so I don't have to worry about Medicaid." Read more...

April 11, 2017Read More

A thief stole his car - with his wheelchair inside. We helped him find a way forward. #AdvocacyMatters

On a cold January day, "Mitch" started his car to let it warm up, with his wheelchair inside. Someone stole it. Read more...

April 7, 2017Read More

After five years in a nursing home, a client wanted to move out. Her guardian was hesitant. We helped her find her place. #AdvocacyMatters

"Nancy" (not her real name) had lived in a nursing home for five years. She worked in the community and did not need the level of services that the nursing home provided. Like many who live in institutions, Nancy was isolated and segregated for no reason. Read more...

March 31, 2017Read More

Disability Rights Ohio and Nationwide team up to help Ohioans navigate Medicaid appeals process

Disability Rights Ohio (DRO) and Nationwide today announce a new partnership designed to provide pro-bono legal services to Ohio families and children with disabilities. The partnership will help bring much needed legal support to people struggling to obtain access to adequate healthcare services and medical equipment. Read more...

March 28, 2017Read More

Federal court rejects attempt by the state to dismiss lawsuit to end segregation of Ohioans with developmental disabilities

Disability Rights Ohio (DRO) and its legal partners - the law firm of Sidley Austin, the Center for Public Representation (CPR), and attorney Sam Bagenstos - applaud the federal court decision in the case of Ball v. Kasich. Read more...

March 24, 2017Read More

A client needed to find a flexible job. OOD wouldn't accommodate. We helped her gain access. #AdvocacyMatters

A woman with disabilities needed a full-time job with flexible hours that allowed her to work from home. She'd been working as a recruiter, but, to her great frustration, she kept getting laid off. Read more...

March 24, 2017Read More

A student needed an emotional support animal. Her landlord put up barriers. We knocked them down. #AdvocacyMatters

A college student who lived in an off-campus apartment received a letter from her mental health treatment provider recommending an emotional support animal. She gave the letter to her landlord and then got a small emotional support dog. The landlord ordered her to remove the dog immediately, fined her $150... Read more...

March 17, 2017Read More

New DRO publication illustrates the importance of Medicaid waiver services

Proposed cuts to Medicaid could impact the nearly 1.5 million Ohioans with disabilities who are at risk of losing health care coverage, benefits and their right to live and work in the community. To illustrate how one person with disabilities can change a community, Disability Rights Ohio has created a booklet,... Read more...

March 14, 2017Read More

Missteps led to serious consequences. Our advocacy improved care for patients. #AdvocacyMatters

At Disability Rights Ohio, we are committed to ensuring that the right of people with disabilities to be free from serious abuse or neglect in treatment settings is protected. Recently, we were asked to step in and help a client in crisis. Read more...

March 10, 2017Read More

Aleeha Dudley wanted to be a veterinarian. Her university couldn't help her. We did. #AdvocacyMatters

Aleeha Dudley has loved animals all of her life. She grew up on a farm with all kinds of livestock and wanted to be a vet from the time she was seven. She is also blind. Read more...

March 3, 2017Read More

DRO and ACLU of Ohio see promise and concern in solitary confinement rule changes

Planned changes to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction’s rules for solitary confinement are an important first step but don’t go far enough, according to Disability Rights Ohio and the ACLU of Ohio. Read more...

February 8, 2017Read More

DODD administrative rule change would restrict hours IPs can work

The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (“DODD”) wants to pay less in overtime pay to independent providers across the state. To do this, they have proposed a new administrative rule that would restrict the number of hours these home care workers can work in a work week. Read more...

February 1, 2017Read More

DOE nominee DeVos set for vote Tuesday, Jan. 31

President Trump has nominated Betsy DeVos to lead the U.S. Department of Education. In her hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) on January 17, she testified that enforcement of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, a federal law, “is a matter best left to... Read more...

January 30, 2017Read More

Disability Rights Ohio Joins Effort to Encourage Governor and Legislative Leaders to Focus on Accessible, Affordable, and Sustainable Public Transit Options

Disability Rights Ohio Joins Effort to Encourage Governor and Legislative Leaders to Focus on Accessible, Affordable, and Sustainable Public Transit Options Read more...

December 14, 2016Read More

Update on House Concurrent Resolution 32 (HCR 32), the ADA Education and Reform Act: What you need to know

Update on House Concurrent Resolution 32 (HCR 32), the ADA Education and Reform Act: What you need to know Read more...

December 8, 2016Read More

Self Advocates Becoming Empowered: 2016 Voter Experience Survey

Self Advocates Becoming Empowered 2016 Voter Experience Survey

December 7, 2016Read More

Disability Rights Ohio Issues Report and Recommendations to Improve Outcomes for Ohio’s Youth in Residential Treatment System

The report provides a detailed review of the barriers to effective treatment that currently exist in Ohio, and offers specific recommendations for improvement. Read more...

December 1, 2016Read More

Giving Tuesday: Join the Movement and Give Back

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide. Read more...

November 29, 2016Read More

"My main goal the whole time was to get back to work, and here I am."

Army veteran, Lisa, contacted Disability Rights Ohio when her service dog, Beau, was banned from the Department of Veteran's Affairs (VA) hospital where her employer's office was located. Read more...

November 18, 2016Read More

Please Take this 2016 Voters with Disabilities Experience Survey

Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE) needs your help to learn more about your voting experience for the 2016 Election. Read more...

November 17, 2016Read More

Disability Rights Ohio and Advocates for Basic Legal Equality team up to protect rights of students and their families to access educational programs and activities

Due to legal action by DRO and ABLE, ODE must develop a language assistance plan so that all parents and students receive information about available educational programs Read more...

November 15, 2016Read More

Voter Alert: What are your voting rights if you can't get to the polls?

If a person is unable to travel from his or her home (including an institution, like a nursing facility or hospital) to the voting location on Election Day because of a physical illness or physical or mental disability, he or she may request an absentee ballot from the county board... Read more...

November 1, 2016Read More

Voter Alert: Voting under guardianship and getting help in the voting booth

AM I ALLOWED TO VOTE IF I HAVE A GUARDIAN? Yes. Having a guardian does not mean a person cannot vote. A probate court must declare a person incompetent for voting purposes before his or her right to vote can be taken away. Read more...

October 21, 2016Read More

DRO, ABLE praise agreement requiring Columbus City Schools to provide language translation services to parents with limited English proficiency

Thanks to an administrative complaint filed by Disability Rights Ohio and Advocates for Basic Legal Equality in January 2015, a new agreement between the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the Columbus City Schools will provide parents and guardians with limited English proficiency (LEP) with the... Read more...

October 19, 2016Read More

Blind student Aleeha Dudley and U.S. Department of Justice resolve Miami University of Ohio discrimination case

Attorneys for Aleeha Dudley have reached an agreement with Miami University after the school failed to provide Ms. Dudley with equal and meaningful access to her curriculum to help her attain educational success as a blind student studying zoology. Read more...

October 17, 2016Read More

Early, In-Person Voting and Absentee Voting by Mail Starts Today!

Election Day in Ohio is Tuesday, November 8, but registered voters in Ohio can vote early, either in person or by mail until Monday, November 7. Read more...

October 12, 2016Read More

Ohio's voting registration deadline is Tuesday, October 11

First, check to make sure that you are registered and that your name and address are correct. You can use the My Voter Information website to check your registration. It is especially important that you do this if you have not voted in the past four years. Read more...

September 27, 2016Read More

DRO files federal lawsuit against juvenile detention facility for denying DRO access to detained youth

Today, Disability Rights Ohio (DRO) filed a federal lawsuit against the Multi-County Juvenile Detention Center (MCJDC) in Lancaster, OH, after the facility repeatedly denied DRO private and confidential access to the youth in residence there, in violation of state and federal law.MCJDC houses alleged delinquent youth from Fairfield, Hocking, Licking... Read more...

September 22, 2016Read More

Watch for Absentee Ballot Applications in the Mail

If you are registered to vote, you should receive an application for an absentee ballot in the mail shortly after Labor Day. If you want to vote by mail here is what you need to do: Read more...

September 6, 2016Read More

Election Day is November 8 - Are you ready?

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8 and the deadline to register to vote is Tuesday, October 11. Make sure you are ready to vote! Read more...

September 1, 2016Read More

DRO, legal partners seek class certification in lawsuit on behalf of people with developmental disabilities

Today, Disability Rights Ohio (DRO), the law firm of Sidley Austin, the Center for Public Representation (CPR), and attorney Sam Bagenstos filed a motion for class certification in Ball v. Kasich, the lawsuit the group filed in March 2016. The suit alleges that state officials are violating federal law by... Read more...

August 22, 2016Read More

DRO supports release of report on low-income housing

Disability Rights Ohio supports the state's legal aid societies and fair housing agencies in their request that the Ohio Housing Finance Agency critically examine the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program to ensure that there are housing options available to low-income families in areas with access to high-performing schools, good... Read more...

August 16, 2016Read More

Disability Rights Ohio and Legal Partners Respond to State Officials Seeking to Dismiss Class Action Lawsuit on Behalf of Ohioans with Developmental Disabilities

Today, Disability Rights Ohio (DRO) and its legal partners - the law firm of Sidley Austin, the Center for Public Representation (CPR), and attorney Sam Bagenstos - forcefully responded to recently filed motions to dismiss its class action lawsuit charging state officials with violating federal law by administering a service... Read more...

July 27, 2016Read More

Legislative Update on H.R. 3765, the ADA Education and Reform Act of 2015

The U.S. House of Representatives, Judiciary Committee will soon be reviewing and voting on H.R. 3765, controversial legislation that would make significant changes to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). H.R. 3765 would make it more difficult for people with disabilities to file law suits when someone violates the Americans... Read more...

July 6, 2016Read More

DRO, DD Council, SIL release new transportation survey

Disability Rights Ohio, The Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council and Services for Independent Living have released a survey to seek input from people with disabilities about transportation. Read more...

June 14, 2016Read More

DRO to hold education rights training June 23 for Youngstown parents of students with disabilities

Disability Rights Ohio, in collaboration with the NAACP Youngstown Branch, will hold a training session for parents of students with disabilities in the Youngstown City Schools from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, June 23, 2016, at the NAACP Youngstown Branch office, 1350, Fifth Ave., Suite 202, Rose Room. Read more...

June 14, 2016Read More

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